Purpose-driven is in everyone’s mouth, but what does it really mean? Everyone, and especially younger generations, aspire to lead a “purpose-driven” life. For many this is associated with the career path.
A profession is no longer supposed to sustain one’s material needs only, it is expected to provide a sense of meaning and fulfilment as well. Referring to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this would correspond to the highest level of the hierarchy: self-actualization or self-fulfilment needs and achieving one’s full potential. Is “Achieving one’s full potential” synonymous with Purpose? In reality, as human beings “we are Purpose”. And to un-cover which is the Purpose anchored in your being brings you on a learning journey. A wisdom immersion beginning with understanding who we truly are as citizens of planet Earth and re-igniting our infinite capabilities. Which allow us to see, feel and taste thanks to Awareness and to get back to our original Oneness.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us”, wrote Nelson Mandela. It needs some courage to go on this path. One’s light is revealed again and all the Principles such as Harmony, Balance, Equity, Compassion and Love, which are rooted in Consciousness, are truly lived. And the First Principle, which is also your own Purpose, is un-covered. You are this Principle and this Purpose: your guiding light through life. Discover your Purpose with Athena InsideOut Education courses.