Where are we heading to?
Which future do we want to leave as a legacy to future generations?
As human beings we strive for happiness, meaning and fulfillment.
In ancient wisdom there is a principle which says that “we need to know the source of everything”:Of every act, of every product, object or service.
This means that they have been thought through, including their impacts on society, the planet and the cosmos. They are so-called “impeccable acts”, i.e. originating from consciousness. What about algorithms originating from AI?
AI is considered as an inorganic intelligence, an agent and as such it can make decisions without direct human intervention; adapt and learn from new information (being true of fake news!) and take actions to influence outcomes in its environment.
Were the benefits offered by AI not so compelling this technology would not have penetrated our lives at such exponential speed.
Yet the risks are at least as compelling. The notion of “impeccable acts” completely excluded from any outcome produced by AI. The human factor is swept away as if it were negligible.
As humans we are supposed to be the caretakers of our planet, yet we are acting like predators, cutting off the branch we're sitting on. And now on top we add AI,with all inherent risks.
Leadership always starts with the “self”. Today it is no longer a “nice-to-have” to practice a Human-Centered Leadership”, it an URGENCY.
And this Human-Centered Leadership goes far beyond to what is currently being taught in business schools. It is also not to be found in books. It is to be experienced and embodied. And it starts with Awareness.
Do you want to learn more? Get in touch.